Agricultural products
The Geochang Potato has a lot of starch and big that it has good value. It has also more protein than sweet potato. Having a lot of potassium, it is effective to prevent and cure hypertension. As alkaline food, it supplements acidic food such as grains and meat.
- Known as one of three holy medicinal material, including gingseng, deer antlers, the honey has been enjoyed by a lot of people. The Geochang Honey is produced on the center of Mt. Deogyusan, Mt. Jirisan and Mt. Gayasan, the gifted natural environment and produce with only good natural flowers that it tastes good.
- - (Effect) -
- For digestive disorder: Prepare three or five spoonfuls of honey and put a little of ginseng, jujube and ginger to take it.
- For stamina: Grind the garlic and mix it with honey and take it at any times
- For cough and discharge of phlegm: Mix honey with juice of radish or pear to take.
- Geochang region is the basin surrounded by mountains that the temperature difference between day and night. Therefore, the strawberry produced here has good smell and high sugar contents and also keeps its freshness longer.
- In terms of climate and environment, Geochang is the best place to cultivate the strawberry species "Yeobong", which has been produced increasingly since 1987. In 1996 the strawberry began the export to Japan starting with 130 tons and gained good refutation for its tastes and quality.
- Cultivated under the rain-prevention shield, the grapes produced here do not get reduced agricultural chemicals. With the reduction of production cost, the grape with the high quality and sugar content is produced.
- Main producing locations: Geochang-eup, Ungyang-myeon, and Goje-myeon
- Cultivated area: 268 ha
- Production volume: 670 ton
The Geochang flowers includes various kinds of flowers. They have peculiar smell and beauty that it is known all around the nation.
Geochang Water Melon (Boksubak)
- It is enjoyed by peeling it to oval figure. It has good color and thin skin that almost all of it can be edible part. With high sugar contents (12。Bx), it is good for diuresis.
- With full water contents, it is good fruit for summer. In 1996, 20 tons of this fruit was exported to Japan for the first time and got good reputations from consumers. It is a promising fruit for further future export.
- Production: Area: 130 ha, Production: 364 tons.
Tea of Bracket Fungus of the Genus fomes (Youngjideonggul Tea)
This is made by processing the Youngji produced in Korea thorugh 23 manufacturing processes. The powder is packed into tea bag for easy solution into the hot water for drink.
- Geochang Region is located on the basin as high as 250 m above sea level surrounded by mountains and has good daylight that the fruits cultivated here have good sugar contents and good texture. It also keeps its freshness longer compared to the apples produced in other regions.
- The apple produced in Geochang is very promising in the future because Geochang Region is the proper location for the production of apples and thus the Geochang Apple is very excellent in quality.
- The Geochang Apple is cultivated as the special product of Geochang, supported by the production base expansion, distribution of cultivation technique, development of packing, utilization of general fruits handling facility, improved distribution system, festival and publicity for the apple and direct trading and supply to the military.
- Cultivation: 2,095 farms are cultivating in 1,530 ha (63% of total cultivating space in Gyeongnam), production volume: 25,540 ton, Income: 25 billion won (around 18% of agricultural income)
Other special products
The Geochang Brassware is made by its unique manufacturing technique and has good gloss. It has the effect to purify various detrimental factors and good for health.
- The Geochang Stone is known for its quality all over the country.
- The texture and gloss of the stone is excellent and its stability is also very high that it is used as building material in may construction sites.